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The already sluggish personal computer shipments from manufacturers have taken an unexpected turn for the worse, according to a new report, which is bad news for companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Intel.

Tesla Motors blasted past the $100-per-share mark Tuesday, closing at an all-time high of $110.33, up more than 13 percent from the previous day’s close. It caps a stellar May for the Palo Alto-based maker of the all-electric Model S sedan.

Considering that Google just launched a big-ticket online music service, some might be surprised that one of the chief investors in a new $25 million funding round for Palo Alto online music service TuneIn is Google Ventures. But TuneIn, which offers online streaming for more than 70,000 broadcast stations from all over the globe, complements Google’s All Access music service, says TuneIn’s CEO.

Flipboard CEO Mike McCue — an accidental member of the ultra-conservative American Independent Party — is hosting a high-priced fundraiser for Senate Democrats next week, with President Obama as guest of honor.