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Intel Security announced collaborations with Onyx Healthcare and Kiosk Information Systems Tuesday to integrate cyber security systems in the two companies’ systems.

Onyx, a health care company that creates PCs and tablets for health care systems, and monitoring devices for use in clinics and hospitals, needs the enhanced security to meet regulatory requirements for patient privacy.

Kiosk makes self-service point-of-sale devices. It will provide licensing options for Intel security protection to customers who deploy the devices, the announcement said.

Tom Moore, Intel’s vice president for embedded sales, said systems are increasingly vulnerable to so-called “zero day” attacks – attacks using previously unknown vulnerabilities in software. New technologies are needed to counter such attacks, he said.

“These technologies will change the status quo, because standard antivirus does not protect against zero-day attacks, insider attacks or local hospital staff who make errors or do not adhere to security policies, and medical devices may not be regularly updated becasue they are not always on the network.”

Intel said Onyx will use its McAfee Application Control with ePolicy Orchestrator and McAfee Complete Data Protection. Kiosk will license McAfee Integrity Control. McAfee is part of Intel Security.

Photo: Len Vaughn-Lahman/Mercury News archives