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Pat May, business reporter, San Jose Mercury News, for his Wordpress profile. (Michael Malone/Bay Area News Group)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made no secret of what he thinks about a critical review in The New York Times of the new Model S. Musk took to Twitter to defend the all-electric sedan. Here are some excerpts from reporter John Broder’s review, interspersed with tweets from Musk.

Broder: “When I parked the car, its computer said I had 90 miles of range, twice the 46 miles back to Milford. It was a different story at 8:30 the next morning. The thermometer read 10 degrees and the display showed 25 miles of remaining range — the electrical equivalent of someone having siphoned off more than two-thirds of the fuel that was in the tank when I parked.”

Musk: “NYTimes article about Tesla range in cold is fake. Vehicle logs tell true story that he didn’t actually charge to max & took a long detour.”

Broder (after the Tesla ran out of power and had to be towed to a charging station): “At 2:40 p.m., we pulled into the Milford rest stop, five hours after I had left Groton on a trip that should have taken less than an hour.”

Musk: “Tesla blog coming soon detailing what actually happened on Broder’s NYTimes ‘range test.’ Also lining up other journalists to do same drive.”

Broder: “After 80 minutes of charging in Milford, the battery registered an estimated 216 miles of range. The trip to the Tesla dealership in Manhattan was an uneventful 71 miles. When I pulled in, the battery had an estimated 124 miles remaining.”

From Musk: “Am not against NYTimes in general. They’re usually fair & their own prev Tesla test drive got 300+ miles of range!”

Contact Patrick May at 408-920-5689 or follow him at