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Cats may not look like they appreciate it, but taking care of you kitty is important.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Cats may not look like they appreciate it, but taking care of you kitty is important.
Joan Morris, Features/Animal Life columnist  for the Bay Area News Group is photographed for a Wordpress profile in Walnut Creek, Calif., on Thursday, July 28, 2016. (Anda Chu/Bay Area News Group)

Want to keep your cats happy and healthy? Here are some tips.

Trimming your cat’s nails

Cats are pretty good about keeping their nails in check — just look at the arm of your couch. It’s good to encourage this behavior, though not on your furniture, so have a few scratching posts around the house. You can rub in some catnip for enticement.

Sometimes it’s necessary to do some nail maintenance, or to snip the tips of the nail to reduce scratches.

  • Get your cat accustomed to having its paws handled. Be gentle and don’t force it. If the cat pulls away, respect the paw.
  • Wait until the kitty is relaxed and calm, then put the it in a seated position on your lap, facing away from you. Gently take one paw and squeeze lightly to extend the claws.
  • The claws will appear pinkish nearest the foot and clearer at the tip. The pink is the “quick,” or blood supply, so cut well above that.
  • Using a sharp, scissors-type clipper or one specially designed for pet nails, make a quick snip of the nail tip.
  • It may take a few sessions to get them all trimmed, so don’t rush it.
  • Afterwards, give your kitty a reward.

Reading your cat’s moods

Felines have a reputation for being enigmatic, but they really do try to tell us what’s going on. Instead of blaming the cat for being mysterious, we should blame ourselves for not paying attention.

Body language frequently exhibited by cats, and what it means:

  • A cat with its tail in the air is a happy cat, willing to be approached.
  • A cat with its tail puffed up like a bottlebrush is frightened or fearful and should be approached with caution.
  • When your cat’s tail is moving slowly side-to-side, she is trying to figure out a puzzle and decide whether it’s worth her while to explore it more closely.
  • If your cat’s tail is moving rapidly side-to-side, keep back. Unlike a dog’s friendly wag, she is telling you that she is not happy and that if you bother her, you’ll get exactly what you deserve.
  • Ears also are good indicators of mood. When the ears are erect and slightly forward, your cat is saying, “Hey, now is a good time to pet me or play a game.”
  • When the ears are super erect, she’s seen something that has captured her attention.
  • Keep your distance if your cat’s ears are flat against her head or turned back. Kitty is not in the mood for anything but fighting. She might be frightened or angry, but she’s definitely on the defense.
  • Your cat’s eyes can also tell a story. If the pupils are constricted, she’s feeling uneasy, and if she stares at you hardly blinking, she’s challenging you.
  • A cat that blinks slowly while looking at you is telling you she’s cool, you’re cool and the world is cool.
  • A sleepy-eyed cat is a happy, content cat.

Finding the perfect cat

In some ways, cats fit into our lives more easily than dogs. Although there are many breeds, they are all about the same size, so you don’t have that issue to deal with.

And while dogs tend to have strong breed characteristics, there are likenesses and differences within cat breeds. Many Siamese, for example, can be strong willed and vocal, but there’s no guarantee that every Siamese will be that way.

Here are some things to consider:

  • If you’re adopting, talk with the volunteers who have been caring for the cat. They can give you a good idea about the cat’s personality. Is it mellow or intense? Decide what type of personality is the best fit for your home.
  • Long hair or short? It’s not just a matter of physical preference. Long hair cats require more grooming on your part, and while it can be a pleasant, close time between you and your cat, it can also take a lot of time. If you don’t have the time to devote to keeping the hair free of tangles, consider a short hair cat.
  • Will a cat fit in with your family? If you have active, young children, some cats might not be happy with the noise and commotion. Will other pets in the household accept a new member? You can make it work, but it will require time and patience.
  • Do you want a purebred or a mixed breed? Before adopting or purchasing a purebred cat, research the breed. Some come with medical baggage that make them more susceptible to certain diseases and ailments. They’re worthy of your love, but just know you’ll need to give them more attention and might have higher vet bills.

Why is my cat so weird?

Cats sometimes demonstrate behavior that seems to suggest they are less-than-pleased with you. They don’t actually hate you, at least not deep down. Nonetheless, here are some common behaviors, just so you’ll know it’s nothing personal.

  • Biting you when you pet her. Many cats seem to have a built-in stroke limit. Pet once, pet twice, pet three times and you get bitten or hissed at. It’s just a personality quirk. Cats like things on their own terms. Respect that and don’t force them to accept your touching.
  • Knocking things off the shelves. Cats have a strange desire to create chaos and have frequently been observed sitting quietly on a shelf and then swatting to the ground your favorite piece of crystal. Again, it’s nothing personal. The cat likely is bored and looking for a reaction. They often get it.
  • Trying to bury their food. “What? Another can of chicken tenders in duck sauce? I’ll show you and bury this food that I loved just last week.” It appears that way, but your cat actually is trying to save the food for later while ensuring another animal doesn’t come along and eat it. It’s an instinct thing. Ignore it.
  • Splashing water out of the bowl. It’s not a reflection on the taste or temperature of the water, it’s a reflection of the water. Cats have very keen eyesight that, among other things, allows them to see well in the dark. They don’t, however, have good depth perception and looking into a clear bowl of water can be disconcerting. They don’t want to dunk their faces in, so they dip their paws in to create a ripple on the surface, allowing them to better judge the water’s depth.
  • Refusing to use the litter box. This usually is a sign there’s something physically wrong with your cat. It is hurting her when she eliminates, and a cat’s brain figures it this way: If it hurts when I go over here, then I’ll try going over there. Take your cat to the vet for a checkup.
  • Putting dead animals in my bed. We used to think they brought us dead animals to show us what great hunters they are. Now we know they do it because they think we’re inept hunters on our own. Cats are natural predators and hundreds of years of domestication has failed to change that. Female cats teach their young how to hunt, by bringing them dead or not-so-dead animals and allowing them to “play” with them. When your cat does that to you, she is trying to make you a better hunter. And yes, even the males do it.

Stop that scratching!

Scratching is as natural to cats as breathing, and like breathing, it can be a necessity. They scratch to keep their claws healthy, to leave scent marks on things they consider theirs, and to leave a visual sign to others that this territory is taken.

Here are some tips to keep it under control:

  • Find a substitute for the couch or chair. Invest in a few scratching posts and pads. For posts, make sure they are tall enough that your cat can stretch out its body as it kneads its claws.
  • Try some variety from carpeted scratching posts to ones covered in sisal to strips of cardboard.
  • If your cat prefers your favorite armchair over a scratching post, rub the post with catnip to encourage her.
  • For cats that just won’t be discouraged, try double-sided tape in the area where she is shredding the material. You can buy tape products specifically designed for this purpose or devise your own. The cat won’t like the feel of the sticky stuff on her paws and will leave the area alone. After a while, you can remove the tape and resume a normal life.
  • You also can buy soft plastic caps that fit over your cats’ nails and will stop them from destroying your favorite chair or drawing blood when you annoy them.

What to feed your pet

Not all pet food is created equal, and not every top-selling food is the right one for your pal. Discuss your pet’s nutritional needs with your veterinarian. Also, remember that obesity in pets is just as bad as it is in humans, and that giving your pet lots of treats is not doing them any favors.

  • Just because dogs and cats are carnivores, that doesn’t mean that’s all they should eat. Dogs benefit from a diet of meat and vegetables, while cats are perfectly happy and healthy with no vegetables as their bodies can’t process most vegetable matter, or vegetables in large amounts.
  • Treats are ways of showing your pet love and are a good training tool, but they are no substitute for a balanced diet. Many treats also are high in fat and calories, so when giving your dog treats as training rewards, you need to factor those into the daily calorie count.
  • The stereotypical fish-eating cat is a fallacy. Cats originated in the desert and are not natural fish eaters. Limit the amount you serve.

Traveling with a pet

Some pets enjoy traveling with you, but others don’t. Find out what type of pet you have and accept that, sometimes, you may have to find alternative plans for your pet.

  • If traveling by air, talk to the airlines about their policies for accepting pets and how they are accommodated. A flight with a layover or very long travel times might be too hard on it.
  • Inquire about special paperwork that will show your pet is healthy and current on vaccinations.
  • You might have to purchase an airline-approved carrier.
  • Whether you’re flying or going by car, make sure your pet is wearing identification tags, even if it is chipped. Better to be safe than sorry.
  • If traveling by car, set up your pet’s crate or carrier in a comfortable place where it will not get too hot or too cold.
  • Your pet might want to be out in the car, but if he is, he needs to be secured by a harness. Pets need seat belts or restraints, too.
  • For longer trips, plan ahead to find pet-friendly hotels. Restaurants generally bar all animals except service animals from the premises because of health and safety regulations involving food preparation. Pack some lunches or be prepared to visit drive-throughs.
  • Pack enough food and supplies to cover the road trip, plus a little extra to cover unexpected emergencies or delays.
  • Stop often to give your pet a chance to stretch his legs or at least get out of the crate, use the litter box or the great outdoors, and to get a drink. If your pet is stressed by traveling, he can become dehydrated quickly.
  • Never leave your pet alone in the car. Heat in the summer and cold in the winter can build quickly.
  • Don’t open the door of your vehicle unless your pet is secured or on a leash. They can and do bolt through an opened door or window, and you might never find them again.